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Learn all about Royal Carriages Street Sweep Program

New Orleans news from Royal Carriages Tours

Posted by on February 15, 2016

Did you know that the diaper bags that the mules wear today were originally designed by a lovely lady by the name of Miss Violet Lauga in the 1960s? Violet was happily married to the founder of Royal Carriages, Clem Laura. She and her husband traced out the pattern on her kitchen table. This same pattern is still hand-sewn and worn by all Royal Carriage mules.  

When worn properly, equine diaper bags catch more than 90% of all waste...manure...poop...whatever you want to call it! 
Occasionally accidental "road apples" hit the ground. Royal Carriages averages 20-26 working mules each day, in addition to working mules from the other companies and New Orleans Police Department Mounted Patrol....that can be a lot of accidental manure! City law requires each carriage mule to wear a diaper bag, and City Officials regularly perform surprise inspections to make sure the diaper bags are in proper working order.
Did you know The City of New Orleans requires each carriage company to remove the manure from the French Quarter on scheduled days? Since Royal Carriages is the largest carriage company, we are responsible for cleaning more days out of any other company.

At Royal Carriages, we 
believe in being good neighbors and we love seeing (and smelling) a clean French Quarter. Which is why the Royal Carriage Street Sweep is actively on the hunt, searching for manure to sweep up. The Royal Carriages Street Sweep consists of a battery operated golf cart, equipped with a shovel, broom, and assortment of cleaning products to help neutralize and mask the odors. 

Did you know Royal Carriages also provides complimentary odor neutralizers to help freshen the air in front of any French Quarter business or residence? If you would like to receive a package, contact our business office at (504) 943-8820  and we will deliver it to your door.  
If you are a French Quarter business owner or resident that needs EMERGENCY POOP REMOVAL, we've got you covered! Follow the chart below, and call in your request to the company scheduled. If the waste isn't removed in a timely manner, comments can be made during regular business hours to The City of New Orleans at (504) 658-7176.

Royal Carriages will make the extra effort to clean up even if it isn't our scheduled day.  

If you are a resident or a business owner in the French Quarter or Marigny and have found this information to be helpful, please forward this on to your neighbors!

Together, we'll all work towards cleaner streets! 

Jonathan and Queenie were the perfect pair. Jonathan was very knowledgeable and knew intricate details that you would never know by just exploring the city on your own. Queenie was sweet and the best your guide for the city. Highly recommend them both.

TripAdvisor Member: Selena Dominguez of San Antonio, Texas, USA

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