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Contact Royal Carriages

Mailing Address: 1824 North Rampart St.

Tour Pick Up address: 700 Decatur St.
(504) 943-8820

You can find our carriages daily, 8:00am - Midnight, at the 700 Block of Decatur Street at Jackson Square. Please check in with the Royal Carriages On-Site Manager before boarding a carriage. All Royal Carriages Employees wear red uniform shirts! 


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Latest Royal News

Royal Carriages Introduces Mules in New Orleans Barn Tour

May 11, 2024 - Royal Carriages is proud to offer an exclusive behind the scenes look at the oldest stable and carriage company in New Orleans. Guests will have an unique opportunity to meet our mules up more

Jonathan, with his mule Elizabeth, provided the six of us with a really fun experience. He has a really jovial but laid-back personality and great sense of humor - had us all laughing. We all talked about it with our friends who weren't with us how much fun he was. The next day he was doing a cemetery tour when he saw and acknowledge us with enthusiasm and we overheard him tell his tour group that he had fun with us the previous day. New Orleans and Royal Carriages are fortunate to have him.

TripAdvisor Member: Brian W of Newport, Vermont

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